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    Twelve eminently considerable categories

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mel an delenit vivendum con secte tuer. Mei viderer principes cu, his id integre disputationi, eu dol or ignota temporibus mea. Cum et oporteat menandri. Tamquam recusabo ei eum.
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    Group members +

    Est ad utamur aperiam vulputate, sed euismod vivendum in, purto populo utamur no nec. Ei vidit epicurei vel, cetero suavitate constituam et vel, quodsi periculis dissentiunt eum.

    How it works +

    Ius natum eirmod vivendo ad, dolor decore utroque qui at. Qui nihil possim animal no. Suas disputando ex est. Sint tantas rationibus eam cu, has dolore assentior neglegentur ex.

    Therapy duration +

    Est ad utamur aperiam vulputate, sed euismod vivendum in, purto populo utamur no nec. Ei vidit epicurei vel, cetero suavitate constituam et vel, quodsi periculis dissentiunt eum.

    First results +

    Ius natum eirmod vivendo ad, dolor decore utroque qui at. Qui nihil possim animal no. Suas disputando ex est. Sint tantas rationibus eam cu, has dolore assentior neglegentur ex.

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    Price schedule plan


    Basic group

    $ 39
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit aet, in dicant tamquam adodum pri, eu cum tibique anti.

    Abroad programs

    $ 59
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit aet, in dicant tamquam adodum pri, eu cum tibique anti.

    Advanced group

    $ 129
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit aet, in dicant tamquam adodum pri, eu cum tibique anti.

    They said

    Dr. U expertly utilizes a variety of techniques and approaches based on the individuals’ situation, which gives him the unique ability to work effectively with whomever or whatever situation placed before him.

    SS, Clinical Psychologist, Washington, DC

    Working with Dr. Ufondu and his BroKin™ group over the past two years, has fundamentally changed the direction of my life. His integration of his own story into his work has been immensely beneficial in helping me understand my psyche, my patterns, and my relationships. I have watched these things transform me before my very own eyes, as a result of having light shed on them and for that I am forever grateful.

    FQ, SpaceX Engineer, Los Angeles, California

    Brokin is a real journey! Not only of the mind, body and soul, but an actual JOURNEY! A passport, necessary journey. When I initially touched down in Dominican Republic and felt that sun on my skin, and the water on my feet, I actually felt all of my problems wash away. I really felt like I was having an out of body experience, for real! Meeting all of those brothers from all over the country and we were there… not fighting, but embracing one another. Helping each other heal through our issues, our past! I can’t wait for the next abroad journey.

    JA, 2020 NFL 2nd Round Draft pick

    Dr. U offers a level safety and kindness that is hard to find these days. With him, I found the courage to work the dark corners of my life. Areas that I discovered, that had been holding me back for years. I have come out the other side feeling the abundance of my life and a deeper confidence at my core. He definitely helped me put the pieces back together again.

    - PH, General Motors Foreman, Detroit, Michigan

    His story is incredible! He took me to a place so deep and so familiar, I know that he has been there too! He has experienced and gone through these situations. Talking from a place of truth and understanding. I’ve kept this trauma inside of me for the past 51 years… Dr. Ufondu showed me how to release that pain.

    DW, H.S Principal, Dallas, TX

    My problem has always been trusting people. I have trust issues. It normally takes me awhile to trust an open up. However, even in my first session with Dr. U, I found myself discussing things with an extreme level of comfort, as if we were childhood friends. This brother is genuine! He is transparent and wasn’t afraid to push me, even when I pulled away or pushed back in session. He’s that guy!

    TS, Professional Basketball player, New Orleans, LA

    Dr. Ufondu is amazingly adept at what he does because he’s more than a psychologist, more than a therapist… he’s a truly gifted brother. He has taught me how to uncover my strengths, transcend my past, and open my heart in ways I did not know was possible.

    JT, Attorney, Brooklyn, New York
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

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      Therapy for Men of Color who are spiritually and emotionally damaged, embraced by a new found family of brothers striving to make them whole again.

      Contact us

      2020 Main St., Dallas, TX 75237
      + (972) 292-8737

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